Almost every weekend, when the weather is reasonably good, we try to go somewhere. Sometimes it’s hard to predict in the morning what the weather will be in the afternoon, 50 km away from Zurich in the mountains. This was one of those days – the forecast was quite ok, so we risked and took the train and bus to Mythen – a very nice place in central Switzerland in Schwyz. From the village, we took the cable car to the top. The morning was very cloudy, but it was supposed to brighten. It didn’t. Our whole hike was in the rain, clouds, and rain (again). Visibility was ~10 m, so the gorgeous views were not for us. At some point, we arrived at the restaurant at the top of Grosser Mythen, which was full of other hikers and with 120% humidity in the room 😉 We rested for a bit and took a long, rainy road back to the cable car station. This hike was not the most successful, but I learned that Nikon D750 is weather-sealed. From the photographic point of view, the hike was not that bad, but for sure Mythen is on the list of places to visit again.